List of Hospitals in the province of New Brunswick - Canada

List of hospitals by city

This is a list of hospitals in New Brunswick with sorting by city and name

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CityHospitalAdress Phone
BathNorthern Carleton Hospital82 Hospital St(506) 278-2400
BathurstRegion 6 Hospital Corporation - Noreast Healyh Network1750 promenade Sunset(506) 545-1443
BathurstRegional Hospital Centre - Bathurst1750 Sunset Drive Bathurst(506) 544-3000
BelleduneJacquet River Health Centre41 Mack Street(506) 237-3222
Blacks HarbourFundy Health Centre34 Hospital Street(506) 456-4200
CampbelltonCampbellton Regional Hospital189 Lily Lake Road(506) 789-5000
CampbelltonRegion 5 Hospital Corporation189 Lily Lake Road(506) 789-5034
CampbelltonRestigouche Health Services Corp189 Lilly Lake Road(506) 789-5000
CampbelltonRestigouche Hospital Center63 Gallant Drive(506) 789-7000
CaraquetExtra-Mural Programme442 boul St-Pierre O(506) 726-2800
CaraquetHopital de l'Enfant Jesus1,boul. St-Pierre Ouest(506) 727-3435
ChipmanChipman Health Centre9 Civic Court(506) 339-7650
DalhousieSt Joseph Hospital280 rue Victoria(506) 684-7000
DalhousieSt. Joseph Community Health Centre280 Victoria Street, Unit # 1(506) 684-7000
DoakUpper Miramichi Health Services Centre8 Miramichi Street(506) 365-6100
EdmundstonEdmundston Regional Hospital275 Hebert Blvd(506) 739-2385
EdmundstonRegion 4 Hospital Corporation275 boulevard Hebert(506) 739-2211
FairhavenDeer Island Health Centre999 Route 772(506) 747-4150
FrederictonDepartment of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Victoria Health Centre65 Brunswick Street(506) 452-5034
FrederictonDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital700 Priestman Street(506) 452-5400
FrederictonNew Brunswick Department of Health and WellnessPO Box 5100(506) 453-2536
FrederictonNew Brunswick Extra Mural ProgramPO BOX 9000 Stn A(506) 452-5800
FrederictonRegion 3 Hospital CorporationPO Box 9000(506) 452-5678
FrederictonRiver Valley Health700 Priestman Street(506) 452-5678
FrederictonStan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation800 Priestman Street(506) 452-5225
FrederictonVictoria Health Centre65 Brunswick Street(506) 459-7518
Fredericton JunctionFredericton Junction Health Services Center233 Sunbury Drive(506) 368-6501
Grand Bay - WestfieldLone Water FarmPO Box 3241(506) 757-2450
Grand FallsExtra Mural HospitalPO Box 2559(506) 284-2293
Grand MananGrand Manan Hospital196 Route 776(506) 662-4060
Harvey StationHarvey Community Hospital2019 Route 3(506) 366-6400
KedgwickProgramme Extra Mural7970 Route 17(506) 284-3444
LamequeHopital Extra-Mural Du New Brunswick29 rue de l'hopital(506) 344-3000
McAdamMacLean Memorial Hospital11 Saunders Road(506) 784-6300
MintoQueens North Health CentrePO Box 1004(506) 327-7800
MiramichiExtra-Mural Program-Programme500 Water Street(506) 623-6350
MiramichiMiramichi Regional Hospital500 Water Street(506) 623-3000
MiramichiMount Saint Joseph Nursing Home51 Lobban Ave(506) 778-6550
Miscou CentreMiscou Health Centre10482 Route 113(506) 344-3434
MonctonAddiction Services125 Mapleton Road(506) 856-2333
MonctonDr. Georges-L. Dumont Regional Hospital330 Universite Ave(506) 862-4000
MonctonDr. Leon Richard Oncology Centre37 Providence Street(506) 862-4220
MonctonKatherine Wright Family Wellness Centre234 Reade Street(506) 855-2010
MonctonMoncton Chest Clinic135 Macbeath Ave(506) 857-5265
MonctonRegion 1 Beausejour Hospital Corporation330 University Avenue(506) 862-4210
MonctonThe Moncton Hospital135 Macbeath Ave(506) 857-5111
NackawicNackawic Community Health Centre135 Otis Drive(506) 575-6600
NeguacNeguac Health Center38 Otho Street(506) 776-3876
OromoctoOromocto Public Hospital103 Winnebago Street(506) 357-4700
PaquetvilleCentre de Sante de Paquetville1096 Park Street(506) 764-2424
PetitcodiacPetitcodiac Health Centre32 Railway Ave(506) 756-3400
Plaster RockTobique Valley Hospital120 Main Street(506) 356-6600
Pointe-VerteCentre de Sante - Pointe-Verte382 Main Street PO Box 238(506) 783-4292
SackvilleSackville Memorial Hospital8 Main Street(506) 364-4100
Saint JohnAtlantic Health Sciences Corporation400 University Avenue(506) 648-6134
Saint JohnCentracare414 Bay Street(506) 649-2550
Saint JohnCommunity Health Care116 Coburg Street(506) 632-5537
Saint JohnRegion 2 Hospital CorporationP. O. Box 5200(506) 648-7310
Saint JohnRidgewood Addiction Treatment Centre416 Bay Street, South Bay(506) 674-4300
Saint JohnRidgewood Veterans Wing422 Bay Street, South Bay(506) 635-2420
Saint JohnSt John Regional Hospital400 University Ave(506) 648-6000
Saint JohnSt Joseph's Hospital130 Bayard Drive(506) 632-5555
Sainte-Anne-de-KentStella-Maris De-Kent HospitalHwy 134(506) 743-2000
ShediacShediac Regional Medical Centre419 Main St PO Box 1477(506) 533-3020
St. StephenCharlotte County Hospital4 Garden Street(506) 465-4444
St. StephenSt Stephen CMHC41 King St(506) 466-7380
StanleyStanley Health Services CenterPO Box 340(506) 367-7730
SussexSussex Health Centre75 Leonard Drive(506) 432-3100
Village of RogersvilleRogersville Health Center9 Des Ormes Street(506) 775-2030
WelshpoolCampobello Health Centre640 Route 774(506) 752-4100
WoodstockCarleton Memorial Hospital Foundation785 Main St(506) 325-6700
Bath Northern Carleton Hospital 82 Hospital St (506) 278-2400
Bathurst Region 6 Hospital Corporation - Noreast Healyh Network 1750 promenade Sunset (506) 545-1443
Bathurst Regional Hospital Centre - Bathurst 1750 Sunset Drive Bathurst (506) 544-3000
Belledune Jacquet River Health Centre 41 Mack Street (506) 237-3222
Blacks Harbour Fundy Health Centre 34 Hospital Street (506) 456-4200
Campbellton Campbellton Regional Hospital 189 Lily Lake Road (506) 789-5000
Campbellton Region 5 Hospital Corporation 189 Lily Lake Road (506) 789-5034
Campbellton Restigouche Health Services Corp 189 Lilly Lake Road (506) 789-5000
Campbellton Restigouche Hospital Center 63 Gallant Drive (506) 789-7000
Caraquet Extra-Mural Programme 442 boul St-Pierre O (506) 726-2800
Caraquet Hopital de l'Enfant Jesus 1,boul. St-Pierre Ouest (506) 727-3435
Chipman Chipman Health Centre 9 Civic Court (506) 339-7650
Dalhousie St Joseph Hospital 280 rue Victoria (506) 684-7000
Dalhousie St. Joseph Community Health Centre 280 Victoria Street, Unit # 1 (506) 684-7000
Doak Upper Miramichi Health Services Centre 8 Miramichi Street (506) 365-6100
Edmundston Edmundston Regional Hospital 275 Hebert Blvd (506) 739-2385
Edmundston Region 4 Hospital Corporation 275 boulevard Hebert (506) 739-2211
Fairhaven Deer Island Health Centre 999 Route 772 (506) 747-4150
Fredericton Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) Victoria Health Centre 65 Brunswick Street (506) 452-5034
Fredericton Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital 700 Priestman Street (506) 452-5400
Fredericton New Brunswick Department of Health and Wellness PO Box 5100 (506) 453-2536
Fredericton New Brunswick Extra Mural Program PO BOX 9000 Stn A (506) 452-5800
Fredericton Region 3 Hospital Corporation PO Box 9000 (506) 452-5678
Fredericton River Valley Health 700 Priestman Street (506) 452-5678
Fredericton Stan Cassidy Centre for Rehabilitation 800 Priestman Street (506) 452-5225
Fredericton Victoria Health Centre 65 Brunswick Street (506) 459-7518
Fredericton Junction Fredericton Junction Health Services Center 233 Sunbury Drive (506) 368-6501
Grand Bay - Westfield Lone Water Farm PO Box 3241 (506) 757-2450
Grand Falls Extra Mural Hospital PO Box 2559 (506) 284-2293
Grand Manan Grand Manan Hospital 196 Route 776 (506) 662-4060
Harvey Station Harvey Community Hospital 2019 Route 3 (506) 366-6400
Kedgwick Programme Extra Mural 7970 Route 17 (506) 284-3444
Lameque Hopital Extra-Mural Du New Brunswick 29 rue de l'hopital (506) 344-3000
McAdam MacLean Memorial Hospital 11 Saunders Road (506) 784-6300
Minto Queens North Health Centre PO Box 1004 (506) 327-7800
Miramichi Extra-Mural Program-Programme 500 Water Street (506) 623-6350
Miramichi Miramichi Regional Hospital 500 Water Street (506) 623-3000
Miramichi Mount Saint Joseph Nursing Home 51 Lobban Ave (506) 778-6550
Miscou Centre Miscou Health Centre 10482 Route 113 (506) 344-3434
Moncton Addiction Services 125 Mapleton Road (506) 856-2333
Moncton Dr. Georges-L. Dumont Regional Hospital 330 Universite Ave (506) 862-4000
Moncton Dr. Leon Richard Oncology Centre 37 Providence Street (506) 862-4220
Moncton Katherine Wright Family Wellness Centre 234 Reade Street (506) 855-2010
Moncton Moncton Chest Clinic 135 Macbeath Ave (506) 857-5265
Moncton Region 1 Beausejour Hospital Corporation 330 University Avenue (506) 862-4210
Moncton The Moncton Hospital 135 Macbeath Ave (506) 857-5111
Nackawic Nackawic Community Health Centre 135 Otis Drive (506) 575-6600
Neguac Neguac Health Center 38 Otho Street (506) 776-3876
Oromocto Oromocto Public Hospital 103 Winnebago Street (506) 357-4700
Paquetville Centre de Sante de Paquetville 1096 Park Street (506) 764-2424
Petitcodiac Petitcodiac Health Centre 32 Railway Ave (506) 756-3400
Plaster Rock Tobique Valley Hospital 120 Main Street (506) 356-6600
Pointe-Verte Centre de Sante - Pointe-Verte 382 Main Street PO Box 238 (506) 783-4292
Sackville Sackville Memorial Hospital 8 Main Street (506) 364-4100
Saint John Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation 400 University Avenue (506) 648-6134
Saint John Centracare 414 Bay Street (506) 649-2550
Saint John Community Health Care 116 Coburg Street (506) 632-5537
Saint John Region 2 Hospital Corporation P. O. Box 5200 (506) 648-7310
Saint John Ridgewood Addiction Treatment Centre 416 Bay Street, South Bay (506) 674-4300
Saint John Ridgewood Veterans Wing 422 Bay Street, South Bay (506) 635-2420
Saint John St John Regional Hospital 400 University Ave (506) 648-6000
Saint John St Joseph's Hospital 130 Bayard Drive (506) 632-5555
Sainte-Anne-de-Kent Stella-Maris De-Kent Hospital Hwy 134 (506) 743-2000
Shediac Shediac Regional Medical Centre 419 Main St PO Box 1477 (506) 533-3020
St. Stephen Charlotte County Hospital 4 Garden Street (506) 465-4444
St. Stephen St Stephen CMHC 41 King St (506) 466-7380
Stanley Stanley Health Services Center PO Box 340 (506) 367-7730
Sussex Sussex Health Centre 75 Leonard Drive (506) 432-3100
Village of Rogersville Rogersville Health Center 9 Des Ormes Street (506) 775-2030
Welshpool Campobello Health Centre 640 Route 774 (506) 752-4100
Woodstock Carleton Memorial Hospital Foundation 785 Main St (506) 325-6700

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